Did the girl dressed in black have a legitimate reason to feel angry?
- Yes!
- The candy was free for everyone. Yet, the girl in the hat was unfair and turned her away.
Is it a sin for the girl in black to feel angry?
- No!
- The Catechism clearly says that the feeling of anger is not a sin.1
Why isn't anger a sin since it is one of the capital sins, and Jesus said, 'Everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgement.'
- Yes, this is confusing, even for adults!
- The Catechism uses 2 different definitions for the same word ‘anger.’
- Anger as a feeling or a ‘passion’ is not a moral good or evil.1 Anger can’t be wrong since at times even God is described as angry.2
- Anger as a deliberate desire to do evil to someone is a sin.3
- The key difference is your free will. At the moment you freely ‘will’ or deliberately desire evil upon someone, you have sinned.
Even though this was only a prank video, if it were real, at what point did the girl in black sin?
- She sinned at the moment she used her free will to deliberately desire evil upon the other girl.2
1) CCC 1773
2) Ex 33:18-19; Mt 21:12-13
3) CCC 2302