Actually Meeting Jesus in the Eucharist

Are we actually meeting Jesus in the Eucharist?

  • Yes!

What events of Jesus' life are made present through the Mass?

  • Jesus’ passion (starting with the Last Supper), death, and His resurrection.
  • Since God is outside of time, He mysteriously brings us back to these exact moments in time, just like a time machine.
  • So, the next time you are in Mass, pray: Jesus, I am with You right now at the Last Supper, on the way of the cross, at Your crucifixion, and at Your resurrection. Jesus, I love You, I console You, I believe in You, heal my unbelief!

What does God want us to do after we receive Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucharist?

  • He wants us to love Him. Jesus told St. Margaret Mary that He thirsts to be loved in the Most Blessed Sacrament. His favorite words to hear from you are, ‘I Love you!’
  • He wants us to thank Him. The word Eucharist means “Thanksgiving”.
  • He wants us to let Him transform us into Him, so that we become great lovers, since He is the greatest self-sacrificing lover ever!
  • He wants us to go and be His presence in the world, so others will get to know Him and love Him too!