He raised him up from the sewage until the emergency workers could pull the son to safety.
How did this strong dad do a good job of raising up his son before that tragic day?
He crawled around on the ground to teach his son to crawl.
He loved him and did everything he could to help him grow and thrive.
How did this strong dad imitate Jesus?
He humbled himself by getting down on the same level as his little son, like Jesus humbled himself by becoming a human, walking among us, and teaching us.
He gave his life for his son, just like Jesus gave His life for us, to keep us from dying in the sewage pit of our sins.
Will Thomas Vander Woude be declared a saint?
The process of opening the Cause for Canonization for Thomas Vander Woude is currently underway! Mr Vander Woude’s Bishop is so very supportive of his Cause.