A Thai Commercial about a Loyal Dog

Why did the little dog help the man?

  • The man gave the dog some food when it was hungry, so the dog loyally helped the man.

What all did the dog do for the man?

  • Saved him a parking spot.
  • Protected his car from bird poop.
  • Stopped another dog from peeing on his tire and then rinsed it off.
  • Warned the man to not back into a barricade.
  • Led the man to find and help the girl he liked.

In what ways is the relationship between the dog and the man like our relationship with God?

  • God hungers for our love.
  • God wants us to hunger for love more than we hunger for food.
  • When we give God our love – our yes to Him – He gives us back more than we ever expect.
  • Often God hides Himself, but we can see the results of His care and attention.

How is the last scene of the dog taking away the man's bag a great allegory for human suffering, following God, and finding love?

(An allegory is a story in which the surface meaning is used to symbolize a deeper meaning.)

  • God often allows us to lose things we are attached to (our health, relationships, possessions, etc.) so that we turn to Him.
  • When we turn to Him and run after Him for answers, He leads us to a greater treasure.
  • The greatest treasure is God’s love for us and our loving God and others in return.