Audio only. Listen to the following story:
Why did Borin pluck up the Beauty Blossom?
- It was in the way and messing up the plans he had for beautifying the garden.
Why do you think God put the Beauty Blossom in their way?
- God challenged Borin to grow in the virtues of trust and patience.
- Virtues beautify the soul, which is far more important than beautifying anything else.
This story is an allegory, which is a story with deeper meanings. What experience in people's life might this story be pointing to?
Here are 3 clues:
- Think of something which is like new, unique colors, and is created in the world every day.
- Think about what the word Borin sounds like.
- If you know Spanish, what Spanish word does “Cinta” sound like?
- Borin sounds like “Born.”
- Cinta is similar to the Spanish word “Encinta”, which means to be pregnant.
- Borin represents all of us who are born and Cinta represents a new life.
- This story is an allegory for pregnancy, abortion, trusting God’s plans, and forgiveness.