What did God do to protect the Israelites?
- He put a column of smoke and fire between Pharaoh’s army and the Israelites.
- He parted the Red Sea so that the water stood up as a wall on either side, and the Israelites crossed over on dry land.
- God closed back the sea over Pharaoh’s army.
Were the Israelites afraid?
- Yes! Pharaoh’s army was powerful, and they intended to take the Israelites back into slavery.
Where were the Israelites going?
- They were going to the promised land, a land promised to them by God as flowing with milk and honey.
What does this story tell us about God's promises in our lives?
- God keeps His promises, and we can trust Him!
- God wants to lead us to the promised land of Heaven.
- As long as we follow God in all things, we can always trust that He will protect our souls from death and many times our bodies too!