What did this dad teach his son about the challenges of pursuing your dreams?
You will face people who will say that you can’t reach your dreams.
At times, you will probably doubt your own abilities, too.
If a dream is worth pursuing, you have to work hard for it.
Besides teaching persistence, what most important virtue did this strong dad teach his son?
This dad was strong enough to admit he was wrong for discouraging his son.
The son respected his dad more, since the dad was vulnerable about his own shortcomings and willing to strive to do better.
Does God want you to dream?
Yes! He places good desires and dreams on your heart – desires He wants you to discern and then pursue.
In Psalm 37 it says: “Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” So, God does want you to dream, and He wants to help you fulfill your dreams.
As your dad, I encourage you to dream. I will teach you how to discern what dreams to follow and how to face obstacles. I delight in seeing you reach your dreams and in seeing you help others reach theirs!