(View segment from 0 to 4:26)
What happened to Annabel?
- She fell 30 feet from the top part of a hallowed-out tree and was knocked unconscious.
- Annabel had fallen into the hallow of the tree, and it took emergency responders 3 hours to get her out from inside the tree!
- Before the fall, she was growing sicker and sicker from an incurable and life-threatening condition called a pseudo-obstruction motility disorder.
- Amazingly, she survived the fall with only a few bruises, and her disorder completely disappeared!
- She said that when she was unconscious, she met Jesus and He told her she would be fine.
What did Christy and her husband do in the face of Annabel's illness and fall?
- They prayed and trusted God.
What does this story reveal about why God allows suffering and difficulties?
- Jesus tells us in John 9, that a man was born blind so that “the works of God might be made visible through him.”
- We can trust God because EVERY suffering and difficulty is allowed by God so that His love and mercy can grow in our lives.