Fed up? Summon Souls to Conquer the Corruption!

6 minute read

Fed up with our crooked and perverse generation? Me too.

Distressed by the signs of our times: the corruption and immorality of some Catholic priests, government officials, big tech leaders, school boards, university administrators, business professionals, and medical personnel?

How can we turn the tide when it is rising into a tsunami relentlessly pulverizing the Christian foundations of our culture?

It’s time to mount up!

The odds appear stacked against us. We may feel like little hobbits ill-equipped for battle. Yet, we are not alone, if we have the eyes to see!

When Elisha’s servant saw warriors encircling their city, he cowered. Elisha prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened. And his servant saw, “our side outnumbers theirs. The mountainside is filled with fiery chariots and horses protecting us.”- cf 2Kgs 6:16-17

May this be your Elisha moment. May you see the army awaiting your command to “Fight for us!”

Jesus exhorted us: “Ask the Master to send out more workers!” -Lk 10:2

So, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead”- 2Tim 4:1, join me in summoning the souls in purgatory to fight for us!

If you are a practicing Catholic, you can release a soul from purgatory every day of the year!

Amassing an Army of Souls!

Imagine if every Catholic who reads this post were to act on it? Each could enlist 365 souls a year!

These released souls are powerful, fully-equipped saints who intercede for us, enter places we cannot go, and conquer hearts for God.

“The holy souls are eager for the prayers of
the faithful who can gain indulgences for
them. The holy soul’s intercession for the faithful is powerful.
Pray unceasingly for them.
We must empty Purgatory!” – St. Padre Pio

Then imagine if parents, especially fathers, were to rally their family to release a soul a day? The “army of the dead” would swell our counterattack against the tide of selfishness and demolish the institutions of sin rotting our culture.

Would you exhort your family and friends to join this movement to pull souls from purgatory to conquer the corruption?

We need the poor soul’s help as much as they call out for ours:

I look to the right and watch,
but there is none who takes notice of me;
no man cares for me.

I cry to you,
you are my refuge, all I have
left in the land of the living.
Listen to my cry
for I am in the depths of distress.
Bring my soul out of prison.
Around me the just will assemble
because of your goodness to me. -Psalm 142

Will you heed their cry? I implore you on their behalf and that of our children and grandchildren:

To arms my brothers and sisters!

Take up your spiritual arms and wield them well!

Exhort your children, family and friends to become workers in the harvest and ask
the Master of the Harvest to send out more workers.

“I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see now
the fields are already white for harvest.
He who reaps receives wages and
gathers fruit for eternal life, so that,
sower and reaper may rejoice together!” -Jn 4:35-36

Reap with me!

Amass an army of souls!

This battle will cost you little compared to the joy and glory that await.

In his final letter on earth, St Paul exhorted:

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. -2 Tim 4:1-2

Will you teach your kids and others what it takes to merit a daily plenary indulgence for a poor soul?

I taught my family this culture-changing practice. We do it daily, and you can too.

1) Big Picture and Battle Plan

I created a motivational presentation to fire you up for battle:

Spiritually Conquering the Crookedness of our Generation

It features short scenes from the epic movie The Lord of the Rings. If you didn’t already know, that story is a parable filled with Catholic truth about how to engage and win the battle for our age.

“A time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over marriage and the family.” – Sr Lucia of Fatima

The battle is raging.

Watch this presentation with your older kids. It’s only 22 minutes. Some of the clips from the army of the dead and battling orcs are not appropriate for younger or sensitive kids (would that all our kids could maintain a healthy sensitivity!).

2) Teach & Equip your Family ASAP!

After you go through the presentation above, then share with your whole family the 6 interactive presentations (called See for Yourself Guides) on Purgatory/The Church Suffering, 1 a week for 6 weeks:


  1. Clean Your Insides
  2. Clean Before You Go
  3. Painful Joy
  4. Stuck in a Burning Car
  5. Carried Around the Bases
  6. Ghost at the Convent


  • These teach your kids about Purgatory and gaining indulgences for souls every day.
  • You can do a lesson with the whole family in as little as 15 minutes.
  • My family does one after dinner on Mondays.

3) No Financial Cost!

  • This doesn’t cost you anything except your time.
  • Frankly, it will pay dividends in your family life, our world, and eternity!
  • The spiritual secret of freeing souls from purgatory and amassing an army of souls fighting for the Kingdom must be known and practiced by all Catholics!
  • If you appreciate having an easy way to fulfill the God’s command to “teach your children the Faith at home, weekly”(c.f. Deu 6:7), then start using the other Family Conquest Guides for free. I personally use these to teach a lesson and inspire my own family weekly.
  • If you are moved to support this ministry to raise up families, you can donate here.

4)  Share far and wide

  • Your efforts will be worthwhile if even one more person hears the Lord calling and becomes a liberator of souls.
  • God wants you to share this secret! Pass on this article to others.

Do not be afraid! Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, shout from the rooftops! -Mt 10:26-27

  • God calls you: “You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High. For you will go before the LORD and prepare His way!” -Lk 1:76
  • God promises us: “To set us free from the hands of our enemies. In His tender compassion, the dawn from on high shall break upon us to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death and guide our feet into the way of peace!”-Lk 1:78-79

To arms my brothers, my sisters! The Battle is the Lord’s!

“The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still.” -Ex 14:14

Jesus desires to pour out His blazing Heart upon humanity to purge the corruption and ignite our hearts:

I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already ablaze!! -Luke 12:20

Please help light on fire the hearts of families to grow in intimacy with God and each other in the inner sanctum of their home…before it’s too late!

Donation checks can be made to Family Conquest and mailed to our donation processor:
Family Conquest
c/o Ribbon
912 S Corona St
Denver, CO 80209
Reach out to Michael@StrongCatholicDad.com for ACH/wire instructions.

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