One helicopter ride in a city he’s never seen from above, and Stephen precisely draws Rome with near perfect detail, proportion and perspective! Astonishing! Look deeper and catch a glimpse of God’s infinite mind and perfect attention to every detail. Click over to the full Family Conquest. The “To Do” activity in the Wrapping It […]
It’s other-worldly! And he learned Icelandic, one of the world’s most complicated languages, in 1 week! You will be awed. Look deeper and see God’s perfect plan for our gifts AND our limitations, so that we can better love Him and others. Click over to the full Family Conquest. The “To Do” activity in the […]
Wow! Can people really do that?! This collection of stellar acrobatics and tricks engrossed my kids and me. Look deeper and see how God didn’t just create us, He empowered us with creativity to delight others just as He does. Click over to the full Family Conquest. The “To Do” activity in the Wrapping It […]
Just enough air to break out of its shell before it’s too late? Yes! The whole process is perfectly timed! Look deeper and see how God perfectly orchestrates the chick’s hatching, and He perfectly takes care of us too, even when it appears messy! Click over to the full Family Conquest. The “To Do” activity […]
Memorizing words and solving puzzles? Wow! Some animals are shockingly intelligent. Look deeper and see that if we enjoy the abilities and antics of creatures lower than us, then God must delight in what we do too! Click over to the full Family Conquest. The “To Do” activity in the Wrapping It Up section asks […]
A barbed tongue and glue? Seriously? And there’s even more? Look deeper and see God defying the odds and delighting us with His cleverness. Click over to the full Family Conquest. The “To Do” activity in the Wrapping It Up section asks families to share stories about banging their head and how it affected them.
Have you ever been disbelieved when the evidence was there to behold? This outrageously funny prank got my family rolling! Look deeper and see how God is constantly trying to get us to look and see the proof that all creation proclaims His intelligent design and loving attention. Click over to the full Family Conquest. […]
Unbelievable! These tiny birds don’t swim or rest during their 3.5 day flight! And their babies somehow fly to Hawaii a few months later without EVER having flown there before! Look deeper and see God’s brilliance defy our intellect! Click over to the full Family Conquest. The “To Do” activity in the Wrapping It Up […]
How is this possible? Hearing potential prey under 3′ of snow is phenomenal. Launching themselves into the air so as to penetrate deep snow at an exact spot while using the same calculations needed for targeting missiles is unbelievable! Look deeper and see evidence of God’s intelligent design! Click over to the full Family Conquest. […]
Incomprehensible! Towers of gold are still too little? Your hands could hold the world and it’ll never be enough? Yes! The human heart was made for infinite desire that can only be filled by… the infinite, which is God! Look deeper and see God’s own desire for… you! Click over to the full Family Conquest. […]